Stressed out soccer parent?

Zuriel Lozano
International goalkeeper coach, MS Sport Science. Speaker, mental coach & blogger.
4 signs of a stressed soccer parent
Parents obsessed about their kids playing professionally or div I
A study found that 26% of parents actually think their child will play professionally. This is an incredibly sad number of parents who were probably told by a coach, club or someone, “your child is a talented athlete or a great goalkeeper”.
However, for some parents, these compliments are like an intoxicating drug that you can’t stop using. There are 26% of you in this vicious circle.
Think about this
Most people see less than 1% of mega star pro athletes on TV. People don’t see the massive amount of work and sacrifices made by these athletes to play and STAY in the professional level. Furthermore, parents & amateur athletes do not think about the fact that most of these pro athletes only play for few years then retire.
If your child can’t make MILLIONS of dollars in just few years playing Pro & retire comfortably around the age of 30. then have a good back up plan ready.
What about college-DIVISION I:
There is NO FULL RIDE SCHOLARSHIPS IN SOCCER. Occasionally, we hear “stories” about a soccer player getting a full ride scholarships. However, that’s very unusual.
The only sports that will give FULL-RIDE SCHOLARSHIPS is basketball and American football. Also tennis, gymnastics & volleyball. Furthermore, once your child reach the goal to playing in college, will your kid KEEP playing all 4 years? or will they quit?.
College coaches only care about ONE thing which is winning. If they do not win, they will lose jobs. Therefore, athletes are used as tools to reach a certain goal. Things are different at a division II, NAIA or Junior colleges.
The college recruiting process can be simply DAUNTING & EXHAUSTING experience.
Parents treating every game as LIFE or DEATH
As I travel around the US and even right here in my hometown Denver CO, I see parents on the sidelines watching their kids play but acting as if is the last game they will ever play. Some parents take their child’s game performance as a LIFE OR DEATH type games.
Some of these parents are so obsessed with their child perfect performance to the point that when a child make a mistakes, it makes them almost sick.
Parents with these serious UPS & DOWNS are simply heading towards big health problems. Not only they are annoying parents but they are also stressing their own kids who are trying to play a game.
Let me remind you, most of these parents are expecting their kids to have PERFECT or FLAWLESS performances. However, this is the type of behavior who make young athletes nervous and mentally weak for life!.
There is no PERFECT or FLAWLESS performance in soccer or any sports.
No time for yourself
Soccer parents seem to spend more like UBER soccer driver for your children. Example, practices, games, tournaments, team meetings, tryouts, soccer parties or even other soccer events etc.
You simply have NO time for yourself. As result, you can become irritable, always tired and possibly physically ill for the lack of rest. You also neglect other responsibilities that REQUIRE your attention.
Some parents have reported their bodies are breaking down, out of shape and quickly aging. Furthermore, other parents simply decided that their kids soccer activities are the most important priority. They rather focus on their kids and not themselves.
It is impossible to take care of others, if you are NOT healthy. Take care of yourself FIRST.
Always upset with coaches, refs or even your own child.
I will include youth soccer clubs politics. Youth club programs, is by far the most STRESSFUL and daunting system that you’ve ever dealt with. The youth soccer clubs are managed by coaches with ZERO business experience. Often clubs are not looking out for the best interest of your child so you can bet your stress level will take a different turn.
The combination of different stressors will turn you into a very sensitive, vulnerable and irritable individual. Your frustrations is often taken out on your coaches, refs and sadly, your children. Once you find yourself blowing up on your young goalkeepers or athletes to include your spouse, this is where changes MUST BE MADE FAST!!
Final thoughts
Excessive and constant state of STRESS may cause you to BURNOUT physically & mentally.
BE AWARE: stress symptoms may show immediately. In many cases, these symptoms will show later but it will be twice as aggressive and very damaging to your body as you age!.
Your young athletes, son or daughters are a GIFT to your life. However, you will be absolutely useless as a parent or mentor if you are not able to take care of yourself. Stress can cause your health to fall apart quietly, sometimes you do not even feel yourself getting sick until is too late!.
Here’s a problem with stress. Most people tend to COMPLETELY IGNORE symptoms of stress and try to convince themselves or others that they are just VERY BUSY. Some people would go as far as saying they ENJOY BEING VERY BUSY!. it is similar to drug addicts who deny they have a problem with drugs.
However, little by little you start noticing changes in your health such as frequent headaches, frequent colds, weakness, exhaustion, increase or decrease in appetite, depleted energy levels, depression or even anger issues.
What’s worst is when you simply do not care nor think about your well-being. You just operate almost as if you are on cruise-control. This is what makes stress extremely dangerous to your health.
How do you reduce STRESS?
Start by taking a closer look at your priorities. Priority #1 should be your HEALTH. Without your health, you will never be able to provide the support, love and care to your young athlete & family. Take action and take care of yourself. Enjoy life to its fullest.
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