Zuriel Lozano
Goalkeeper: The Psychology of the Breakaway
Goalkeeper Psychology: Part I
Being a goalkeeper is already a very psychological position which includes massive amounts of waiting in the goal with few seconds of excitement & intensity, for some goalkeepers few seconds of terror.
However, the most intimidating moment for a goalkeeper comes during BREAKAWAYS. Here is where you can tell a TONS about a goalkeeper’s psychological aspects, mental abilities, maturity level, decision making process and experience.
This blog will cover the psychology behind breakaways to understand the goalkeeper’s step-by-step thought process during a breakaway.
But first, NO two goalkeepers are the same. This statement is not only true for professional goalkeepers but also amateurs. Some goalkeepers are fearless and others are simply intimidated or scared on breakaways.
I. To come out or not to come out? this is the FIRST question that comes to the goalkeeper’s mind as the breakaway develops. At this point, TIMING is going to be crucial, any hesitation will turn a breakaway into a nightmare.
II. Come out fast or slow, should I attack with hands first, feet first, going straight to the ball for a deflection or simply attack the player’s legs or should I stalk the player? Depending on what the attacking player is doing with the ball or how fast he is approaching the goal, his actions will give visual cues to the goalkeeper to make a better decision during a breakaway.
The maturity level and the goalkeeper’s experience will determine if goalkeeper is going to be scared, decisive or simply freeze during an attack.
At this stage, the decision to come out and stop this breakaway is made. Now, get ready to make contact with the attacking player. At this point, the goalkeeper is ON THE MOVE and He knows physical CONTACT is imminent.
Making a HARD physical contact with another human or object is a very powerful psychological image which most human will avoid. During this process 3 things will go through the goalkeeper’s mind:
- LASER FOCUSED to get the ball with speed and surprising power. (LASER FOCUS: you are completely committed to getting the ball at all cost & no matter what happens.
- Or goalkeeper comes out with lots of DOUBTS, timid speed & no clue as to what he is going to do. Coming out with FEAR/DOUBTS will be the most destructive approach for ANY goalkeeper during a breakaway.
- Or Goalkeepers will simply FREEZE. This keeper neither commits nor avoid the attacks, possibly due to the FEAR OF GETTING HURT and others because they are afraid to get SCORED ON. Therefore, they think by staying back in ” NO MAN’S LAND” they will stop the attack somehow. They are simply FROZEN in time.
All of these steps occur in just a matter of 1-3 seconds or less. Goalkeepers must analyze and execute the proper action very quickly.
The number ONE reason why many goalkeepers get HURT during a breakaway is FEAR. If you come out on a breakaway with doubts, timidly slow, confused or scared, you WILL GET HURT, this is why many goalkeepers get concussions.
Attackers KNOW & SENSE when goalkeepers are coming out slow or show signs of fear, this is why attackers end up winning these battles!!
Come out strong and straight to ball, learn how to PROTECT YOURSELF. Learning how to do the ” basic breakaway technique” is only the beginning but is NOT going to be enough to protect yourself against a MASSIVE COLLISION.
Let me just give an off-the subject regarding protecting yourself:
A GREAT SWIMMER who knows and understand all swimming techniques very well but as he swims, suddenly he gets a massive LEG-CRAMP, do you think he’s going to drown? At this point, GREAT SWIMMING TECHNIQUES will NOT MEAN A THING. You simply look for WAYS to protect yourself & get to a safe zone.
In Goalkeeping, basic breakaways drill techniques are without a doubt a great beginning but you will also need to know how to use your arms and legs as shield. In addition, goalkeepers will benefit from going to the GYM to workout and gain more upper & lower body strength for additional protection.
(Zpro Futbol training programs provide different powerful protective techniques for breakaways).
Remember, the attacking players are ALSO worry about COLLIDING with you. Therefore, if the goalkeeper’s attack is so overwhelming & aggressive, it will force the attackers to simply BACK OFF and let you have the ball, which means you are now IN HIS HEAD for the rest of the game!!! They will back off from a breakaway once they learn that you are a dangerous goalkeeper and confident on breakaways.
Last, goalkeeper training should be more than basic techniques. It should include, mental work, decision making training & learn how to stay focused even in the middle of chaos.
Final thoughts,
Bravery is NOT something that can be taught but when executing breakaways a certain level of BRAVERY is required. Therefore, protective techniques & mental training must be part of your goalkeeping career.
Breakaway is a psychological war that generally occurs inside the goalkeeper’s head but also inside of the ATTACKER’S head. There are a number of goalkeepers who think “they don’t have to be good with breakaways if they do everything else very well”, which is a very dangerous approach to the modern game.
Breakaways is indeed very psychological and for those who’ve already had accidents, concussions or serious injuries from a breakaway could potentially leave a Psychological scar. But there are a number of things that can be done to help athletes make come backs from breakaway injuries.
If you are a parent or coach, I hope you read this blog carefully to understand what goes through the goalkeeper’s mind during breakaways. It is easy to say things from the sideline but it is an entire different thing when you are in the goal looking at high pace player coming right at your face. Your sons or daughter goalkeepers will need more emotional support rather than advise on how to do a breakaway unless you’ve experienced this yourself many times over a period of several years.
The modern game requires a well-balanced goalkeeper: Physically, technically and more important Psychologically, all of these aspects will be needed as you encounter stronger, faster & tougher competition but also when making a decision to execute a powerful breakaway.
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