Goalkeeper Mental Training

/Goalkeeper Mental Training/

Sport injuries among young athletes or is it neglect?

Sports injury among young athletes or neglect? Overuse injuries up to 52% among young athletes. Is this a sport injury or neglect? By Zuriel Z Lozano international goalkeeper coach, UEFA lic, MS in Sport & health science. Mental trainer, Speaker. 13 year old with BACK problems already?As a coach, I've come across thousands of soccer [...]

By |August 22nd, 2022|Goalkeeper mental toughness|0 Comments

Athletic speed

Athletic speed in soccer Athletic speed is needed in most sports. But it requires special attention gain speed. By Zuriel Z Lozano, international goalkeeper coach MS in Sport Health & science. Certified by The National Academy Of Sport Medicine. UEFA license, Speaker, Mental trainer Athletic speed in soccer is simply vital. In soccer most positions, [...]

By |August 22nd, 2022|Goalkeeper mental toughness|0 Comments

How to Handle adversity in sports

Athletic adversity Sports will expose the character of an athlete especially when they face adversity By Zuriel Lozano, international goalkeeper coach, MS Sport & Health Science. UEFA lic, Mental coach & Mentor. No child, human or living thing should suffer & face adversities in this World. We should all live in peace, love each other [...]

By |August 22nd, 2022|Goalkeeper mental toughness|0 Comments

Tips to know if your soccer coach is helping or hurting you?

Is your coach helping you?. Tips to know if your soccer coach is helping you. By Zuriel Lozano, international goalkeeper coach, MS Sport & Health Science, UEFA lic Today the emphasis on soccer coach certifications is a big deal and a big BUSINESS. As results, you now see thousands of  people with soccer certifications coaching [...]

By |August 22nd, 2022|Goalkeeper mental toughness|0 Comments

Competitive mindset for athletics & business

Often athletes tend to complain or blame others for their lack of success in sports. However, most of them are lacking the correct competitive mindset.If you are an individual who've been told that you are great your entire life and you want the praises and people's approval then it is very likely the day you [...]

By |August 22nd, 2022|Goalkeeper mental toughness|0 Comments

Choose the correct soccer camp

Make the correct choice on your next soccer camp. If you do not know which soccer camp is best or which camp is a waste of money & time, then learn these few tips to select the correct winter or summer camp. By Zuriel Lozano Know when soccer summer camps are helpful or a waste [...]

By |August 22nd, 2022|Goalkeeper mental toughness|0 Comments

Athletes training during COVID-19

Athlete during COVID-19 Can you take any more zoom classes and online trainings? By Zuriel Z Lozano When the pandemic COVID-19 stared everything went on virtual mode. Virtual training was helpful for a minute but quickly it became annoying for many people. Training videos and virtual courses became repetitive & boring.In fact, a number of [...]

By |August 22nd, 2022|Goalkeeper mental toughness|0 Comments

Protect the goalkeeper

Protecting the athletes Youth soccer players are NOT taught to avoid dangerous play. Instead, most young soccer players are pushed to win at all costs. By Zuriel Lozano There are many youth soccer club goalkeepers getting HURT on 1v1 or getting hurt in routine plays than ever before. Partly, due to the lack of proper [...]

By |August 22nd, 2022|Goalkeeper mental toughness|0 Comments

Social media vs young athlete’s confidence

Social media vs young athlete's confidence? Today, young athletes do not know how to deal with adversity & struggles,  most prefer to quit. By Zuriel Z Lozano There is no secret that social media is currently controlling the mind & attention of millions of people to include young athletes. From video games producers, celebrities, movie [...]

By |August 22nd, 2022|Goalkeeper mental toughness|0 Comments

How do you know your child is improving in sports?

How do you know your child is improving in sports? Many parents and amateur coaches get the word IMPROVING & WINNING RECORDS confused. By ZURIEL LOZANO How do you know if your child is improving in sports?Depends on whom you ask and what improvement means to them. For example,  there are a number of parents [...]

By |August 22nd, 2022|Goalkeeper mental toughness|0 Comments