Making goalkeeper gloves

There are a number of goalkeeper companies who sell expensive gloves with cheap materials and others will sell great gloves but at an expensive price. However, most people will NEVER know the difference. I’m hoping to give you some insight on this process.

This blog will cover how our gloves are made and we will give you a step-by-step process. Our gloves, ZPro Futbol, are known for having the highest quality latex in the world but at a great price. We put ALL of our focus on the quality of the glove over profit.

FACTS about the kinds of GLOVE LATEX (palm) currently on the market:

  1. Some glove companies will custom-make gloves for professional goalkeepers and sell a low-to-medium quality glove to the customers with very high prices.
  2. There are some BASIC latexes that can look almost exactly like a high-quality latex. But they are sold very expensive.
  3. Paying HIGH PRICES for a BRAND NAME glove does NOT mean you are paying for the best latex or glove. You MUST understand what you are buying.
  4. Current LATEX (palm/grip) on the market:

Quartz (5 star): estimated cost of glove = $150 or more

German Contact Latex; some call it “Supreme” (5 star): estimated cost of glove = $100 or more

GiGA grip (4 star)

Mega grip (3 star)

Super Soft (2 star)

New Basic (1 star)

 ZPRO FUTBOL GLOVE LATEX STANDARD is Quartz & German Contact/Supreme.   

NOTE: We are directly involved with our manufactures & glove quality inspections. In addition, we work  with the German latex industry to get new technology for future gloves and latex.

Check and see if you are getting ripped off???

KOBRA Zpro Futbol goalie gloves


  • Do you know the difference between a high quality latex/glove?
  • Do you know the different types of palms, latex, cuts and fit on today’s glove?
  • Are you 10000% convinced that if you buy a certain BRAND and pay a HIGH PRICE for those gloves that you are buying a high quality glove?
  • Did you know the THICKNESS of the glove is also part of the quality and durability/life of the glove? *ZPro Futbol gloves are 4mm thickness.


Everything starts with drawings, either from our pro designers or customers around the world.  We always make the final determination regarding style, look, fit and PROFESSIONAL GLOVE PERFORMANCE.

We also look at REGIONS in the world in which our gloves will travel.   For example, goalkeepers in South and Central America, Asia, Africa, and recently, many Europeans LOVE LOUD COLORS.  So, based on these trends, we get to deliver people what they want.

If ANY last minute changes needs to be made, here is our LAST chance to make it. For example, some of the changes could be that we want one thousand gloves instead of 900 or we need additional sizes or we simply want the logo to be placed in another spot. However, by now we really have a precise idea about what we want. 



Based on the drawings we just completed, now we create our IRON METAL BLOCK to give a shape to our glove to include the EMBOSSING of the glove.

For every size, shape and style, a NEW block will be made. This is a costly production, so it is so important to have everything in excellent order.

The material used for the back hand will depend on the glove we want to make. Some gloves back hands can be rubber or simple latex.  If rubber, the feel will be different than if it is latex. Also, rubber can be heavier or may be too hot during summer.  There are all kinds of different variations.

 Sewing process:

Now that everything is printed and the back-hand is completed, here comes the most crucial part of the glove… sewing the glove together.

For ZPro Gloves, we make sure that even the TYPE OF STITCHING will be approved by us. We also require that the THREAD used in our gloves is the HIGHEST quality.

The glove will be sewn in a PRECISE manner. We cannot let this process be completed in a mediocre manner or in a hurry. Otherwise, the glove will have many defects, but also, it can affect the performance of the glove.

Therefore, here’s where we are different  in that we have strict inspection guidelines that will be enforced before releasing a glove to the public. 

There are so many details left but we wanted to end it here. You now can see how much detail goes into making a pair of gloves.  Imagine when we have to order thousands of gloves to include sizes and styles.  It is then when attention to detail becomes an important step in the making of a GLOVE.

KOBRA Zpro Futbol goalie glovesThe making of a glove is NOT something that many companies will show you.  In fact, some companies are banking on the fact that most people don’t know much about latex or how the glove is made.

Some people will give reviews on YouTube or in magazines of a certain glove but, to them, it is just for a commission or FREE merchandise. There is NOTHING wrong with that but, in the end it is YOU, THE COSTUMER, who will pay lots of money for a glove… if you don’t know certain details.

Many people are simply buying gloves because a certain Pro goalkeeper on TV wears it. Others just wear a certain glove because their clubs or school are giving the gloves as part of the deal with a certain brand. Basically, YOU GET WHAT YOU GET!!

Last, the BRAND also influence buyers.  I have seen parents & keepers try on ZPro Gloves, then they look at their expensive goalkeeper gloves they just ordered online from XYZ brand and they immediately say,” I wish I would have known you guys were here and I wouldn’t have paid this much money for XYZ gloves”…..We encourage parents, goalkeepers and amateur clubs to “think outside the box” and they will be able to get several professional gloves at a phenomenal price.

ZPro Futbol company already helps many organizations get great prices for their clubs so we hope you can check our our gloves some time.!!!




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