Professional soccer coaches do not yell.
Today many soccer coaches, training programs and youth soccer clubs claim to be “professional”. However, we all know these are marketing and recruiting tactics.
In fact, there are a number of coaches who belong to Pro teams who run their own independent training programs but they treat their players as a number because they know people will always go to their programs
At the same time, there are a number of youth soccer club coaches who claim to be professionals but they behave as dictators. But they have no clue what being a professional is all about.
A job
High level Professional soccer coaches are doing a job, just like a teachers, policemen or businessmen do their jobs.
Nobody goes to work to be yelled at or to be intimidated by their boss to get a job done. This would be a hostile place to work.
Furthermore, a real professional coach will NOT be yelling at professional athletes, like Tim howard or Iker Casillas. Therefore, do not be fooled when you hear that Pro Coaches yell at their players.
I find it very DISTURBING to hear soccer parents and amateur soccer player “justify” why their coaches yell
“My coach is a professional coach from xyz Pro soccer team or was a former pro player. He yells at us because that is what Professional soccer coaches do at the highest level”
I have played my entire professional and amateur soccer career outside the US. Furthermore, I currently work with Professional goalkeepers worldwide.
However, I personally never seen Professional or highly talented coaches yell or act tough, intimidating players or even acting arrogantly with players.
In fact, when I work with professional goalkeeper coaches they are a PLEASURE to be around and they are normally VERY INSPIRING.
“Your background, the size of your club & the number of soccer certifications does NOT make you a good coach”
Behavior of a Professional Soccer coach?
Let me remind you, even at a regular job your boss is not going to yell or intimidate workers to teach them something. That would be called harassment.
TRUE professional coaches do not brag about themselves, their championships or how many “soccer certifications” they hold. They do not use their position of POWER to treat you whichever way they want.
In fact, most time you do not even know these coaches are professional soccer coaches unless you see them on TV or you meet them personally.
NO TRUE PROFESSIONAL soccer coach will ever tell kids “that yelling is how they speak to Pro players.
In training & soccer matches
Professional soccer coaches do not control every aspect of the athlete’s training. Furthermore, they do not not correct every little mistakes athletes make.
Moreover, they do not stop training every time somebody makes a mistake to make corrections. Which is very distracting and annoying.
However, Professional coaches are expert at making corrections or adjustments without breaking the flow of the training or matches.
They explain things quickly and move on.
Professional coaches allow players to problem-solve during a game or training. For a YOUTH SOCCER PLAYER This is where the real soccer learning occurs.
Yenith Elizabeth Panama National Team. FIFA ranked #17 World Best female goalkeepers 2018. 17 yrs old.

Pro soccer coaches are humble
When you go to any youth soccer event around your area, notice some of the youth soccer club coaches. It doesn’t take long to see some of these coaches walk around as if they are above anyone else.
On the other hand, Professional soccer coaches see themselves as teachers. So even at the Professional level, coaches work hard to make their players even better than before.
They are very dedicated to the well-being of their athlete. As result, they learn to develop a trusting relationship with their players.
Of course every coach wants to win and compete but Professional soccer coaches know there is a learning process before they can claim success.
In other countries coaches at professional clubs are judged by the amount of soccer players they developed and how many of these kids reached a HIGH LEVEL.
Over the years, I have met many wonderful coaches with a uplifting, kind and humble attitude towards the kids. The players learn more with this coach in a very short period of time.
On the other hand, I have met & seen many former pro players & coaches who have NO interest in developing soccer players but are more concern about their social status, titles and money.
Professional coaches are normally some of the most pleasant individuals that you will ever meet. They respect who you are.
They are very encouraging and will inspire you every time you speak to them.
Therefore, do not be blinded by what the size of the club or who the coach is. However, Professional soccer coaches will make you feel like a professional player every time you work with them.
These are the kind of coaches who will help you reach a goal, even if it seems difficult to reach.
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