Zuriel Lozano
Find out if you are mentally weak
Most of our readers are parents, coaches, athletes (all sports) & businesses looking for that mental edge. However, most people are not able to understand or identify obvious signs of mental weakness. Once you recognize sings of mental weakness, does not mean is the end of world, it simply means you may need to focus on specific steps to build confidence and mental toughness.
People can be professional athletes, run very successful corporations, be CEOs etc and live their lives with these weaknesses and still be normal individual in society. However, these individuals will always struggle and suffer twice as much as anyone else.
Being a goalkeeper is a VERY PSYCHOLOGICAL position, so anything can demoralize the goalkeeper. For example, the coaches body language & comments can really take a goalkeeper out of their game for a LONG TIME. Even a bad game can change everything… So lets identify the TOP signs of mental weakness and lets see if you or anyone you know match these signs. This apply also to NON-ATHLETES...
Goalkeeper who gets scored on, blames the team, defense, coach, weather, parents, referee etc. An individual who failed at something is NEVER their fault and they will never take responsibilities of their own actions. In other words, this person or athlete is concerned about how they look in front of others and they are incapable to handle disappointment so blaming others “seem to free them” from the thought of failing, blaming is their easy way out. This behavior can go on for years and it will eventually destroy their confidence & credibility.
They complain all the time & about everything, specially when things do not go their way. Their complaints are so NEGATIVE and annoying which makes people around them very uncomfortable. Normally, these complainers have problems fitting-in with their peers, teams, groups or society. Complainers are not able to deal with life events. Very pessimistic when dealing with situations. Whining never ends!!
The mentally weak is not able to deal with life events that is not under their control. If something unexpectedly happens they are not equipped to handle it. Doing things in their comfort zone makes them feel safe, when they are in their comfort zone they do not worry about making mistakes & do not worry about looking bad.
They are incapable to working “HARD” . If you are a goalkeeper, athlete or regular individual who want to get better, you MUST learn to work out of your comfort zone. However, being out of their comfort zone may seem “unfair, hard or impossible” to a mentally weak individual.
Generally these individuals make very little progress in their training, skill & careers but they expect things to “magically” happen to them. The moment they feel things are getting out of their comfort level they panic, complain, argue & some simply give up.
They do not LISTEN, they are very argumentative about everything even if they are wrong, very unreasonable not willing to listen the other side. These individual DO NOT TAKE CRITICISM WELL.
ARROGANCE controls these individuals. They generally think they are GREAT at everything, great athletes & know it all. These individuals have hard time connecting with their teammates & coaches. Warning: EGO will destroy athlete’s career very quickly. This apply to non-athletes to include relationships. This individual have a strong sense of ENTITLEMENT by thinking EVERYTHING IS ABOUT “ME”.
NOTE: Stubbornness is part of a HIGH EGO individual, stubbornness is not a sign of confidence. In some cases stubbornness can ruin people’s careers. ARROGANCE, COCKINESS & EGO will END your career, relationships & any chance to become great at anything.
5. Validation
They are desperately looking to have people’s approval such as coaches, teammates, clubs, parents or significant other.
For example: Parents who think their child MUST be in the best teams, clubs, or with the best coaches but their child is simply an average athlete, they will put their children through LOTS of psychological pressures to have coaches or teams approve of their child which turns the kids into very frustrated athletes.
Another example: Athletes who feel they HAVE to be perfect or they HAVE to always do well at everything to be seeing as “GREAT PLAYERS“. This perfection will turn into fear (afraid of disappointing parents, friends or family and themselves) and eventually it will cause athletes to fail, choke, get nervous frequently, anxious during games, practices or tryouts.
The constant search for VALIDATION and PERFECTION will blind your judgment by making decisions that in your mind may seem helpful but these decisions have severe negative consequences in the future.
These individuals are EXPLOSIVE & MOODY. They get angry very quickly & often. Their anger can come in various ways: passively or aggressively. This normally occurs when something or someone challenges you at any level (personal, career, athletics etc). Frustration normally gets the best of this individual making them very upset about little or big things very frequently.
Everything is over exaggerated, everything is a chaos. Just about every aspect of their life they will over dramatize it, as to say “they carry a heavy load & massive responsibilities on their shoulders”. According to these individuals the “world is unfair place which makes things difficult for them”. When these individuals have to make a decision about anything, they are impulsive & it is normally a frustrating thinking process.
In conclusion,
If you are encountering any of these signs, it does not mean it is the end of the world but with this blog we are giving you the opportunity to RESET your thinking process, attitude, MENTALITY & more important yourself. You can start now!!!
I respond to hundreds of emails from people & top athletes desperately looking for ways to get a MENTAL EDGE. But often times, individual resists the idea of changing anything in their lives. To get a MENTAL EDGE, goalkeepers, athletes or any individual MUST be open mind and recognize these signs to effectively work on their MIND SET
It is never too late for mental training.
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