Goalkeeper training is changing
Changes occur in every world cup that we watch. The players are faster, stronger, accurate, tactics are more advanced and their skill is out of this world. The goalkeepers in the last few world cups, DO NOT catch the ball consistently as years prior.
In fact, many of them are now DEFLECTING or BLOCKING balls more than ever. Therefore, goalkeeper training is changing frequently.
In soccer today, everything is designed to score goals and beat goalkeepers.
From shoes to new balls & smooth aerodynamic uniforms. Field players are now able to kick these balls with lots of power, spin & from virtually any distance with accuracy.
Today, goalkeepers relying more on athleticism, speed, power, high dives & tactical experience. In addition, decision making process is vital in the modern game.
What does this mean for the NEW training today
Most goalkeeping organizations, youth clubs and some coaches are STILL doing things from 15 years ago. For example, basic techniques for goalkeepers such as catching & diving are an important part of goalkeeping development. You must know these basic techniques.
However, you have coaches in youth clubs going UNHINGED when goalkeepers decide to DEFLECT OR BLOCK instead of CATCHING the ball. This is where the NEW vs THE OLD training collides.
Therefore, today we teach not only to catch balls but also to deflect with power, decisively & direction. One hand, two hand & overhead deflections etc. In addition, body blocks or even how to defend the ball with no hands only using your legs.
There are so many different variations & situations that today’s demanding game.
Final thought,
your youth club is responsible to provide you with the very best training. here is where you will be FULLY DEVELOPED before going to college or a national team. But some youth clubs are not making the adjustment necessary to provide a complete modern training.
Some clubs aren’t able to upgrade their training because they have SO MANY goalkeepers. Overcrowded trainings makes it near impossible to meet the need of every goalkeeper.
Furthermore, some clubs or goalkeeping organizations rather spend quality time on “better players” or higher level teams. Either way, goalkeepers are NOT getting prepared to high level competition in the modern game.
Look for outside independent trainings without club influences.
At ZPro Futbol®, we have all the freedom in the world to bring the most UPGRADED goalkeeper training that we currently use to train Professional goalkeepers around the world. We provide a personal & comprehensive training plan.
Since we are not attached nor connected to any youth club or goalkeeping franchise in the area, we are able to provide you the very best training used & tested around the world. We use many scientific components & technology to enhance the modern goalkeeper to a new level.
Furthermore, we are constantly changing the way we do things to ensure that our goalkeepers can actually compete in the modern soccer game.
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Zuriel Lozano
Professional international goalkeeper coach, MS Sport & Health Science. Mental coach, Speaker, blogger.