Sports quotes
winning mentality
Mental toughness, winning mentality, laser focus, consistency these are words that most athletes are desperately searching everywhere to ensure they can compete at a high level. However, most of the time you can find a winning mentality through your own personal experiences.
Check out some of these quotes and learn what it takes to reach a winning mentality.
Mentally tough
If you’ve been overprotective your entire life, rescued all the time and never really suffered, then you will never learn the true meaning of being mentally tough.
If you first accept yourself & understand who you are, then you will learn to accept negative or positive outcomes without feeling defeated.
Get results
Doing the same things all the time, will not get you an innovating, unique and different results. All you doing is looking busy!!
Handling life
Always work on your goals. However, If you don’t accept or don’t know how to deal with your plan B then life will teach you soon.
True definition of leadership:
If you want to be a TRUE leader, you can’t make everybody happy. If you want to make everybody happy then be a circus clown or work at a candy shop.

For parents
If you feel the world should be good & fair to your child because he/she is a good kid, then YOU still do not understand how the world works.
if your child tells you "I want to quit sports right now," how will you react ?
Here’s how we know what type of parent you are, we see how your child handles adversity, frustrations and disappointments. YES, kids are a clear reflection of their parents.
Is it 100% their dreams or is it YOU wishing your dreams were 100% theirs?
The truth doesn't hurt, is your refusal to ignore what is real- ZL
when you do a lot, you accomplish very little. Most athletes train under normal condition, structuralized settings and always thinking about having a positive outcome. However, games bring an entire different set of problems and issues that you do not prepare for.
Therefore, if you want to compete at the highest level, then train under the WORSE case scenario.
Train your mind to be stronger than your feelings
Keys to accomplishing anything
Most of the time our frustrations, disappointments, heartbreaks and discouragements comes from our own unrealistic expectations.
Some people avoid doing things that are difficult but they expect great results with little effort.
There are many ways to reach the same goal. However, you must be open-minded to see another way
Insecure people blame others, complain often & are very dramatic. Confident people are humble and accomplish more.
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