Goalkeeper mental toughness

/Goalkeeper mental toughness

Why some goalkeepers fail and other succeed?

We get hundreds of emails & texts from amateur goalkeepers WORLDWIDE, they ALL want to be professional goalkeepers, play for the national team or play in college etc. The allure is intoxicating, especially for the talented, and it can warp judgment. *Only less than 2% will make it far enough to play Professionally & thousands more are [...]

By |August 22nd, 2022|Goalkeeper mental toughness|0 Comments

Being a back up goalkeeper

The reality is that NOBODY likes to be the back up goalkeeper or a back up soccer player. If you are an athlete who feels that you MUST be number 1 at everything and every time, or you are a parent who thinks that your child does not deserve to be a back up keeper [...]

By |August 22nd, 2022|Goalkeeper mental toughness|0 Comments

Humility in athletics

For the last several years parents and goalkeepers to include field players have complained about the arrogance & attitudes that youth clubs, their coaches & athletes have displayed ALL OVER THE US. However, NO PARENT dares to challenge these programs because they FEAR clubs will take it out on their kids. Sadly, THIS HAPPENS ALL [...]

By |August 22nd, 2022|Goalkeeper mental toughness|0 Comments

Find out if you are mentally weak

7 SIGNS OF MENTAL WEAKNESS Most of our readers are parents, coaches, athletes (all sports) & businesses looking for that mental edge. However, most people are not able to understand or identify obvious signs of mental weakness.  Once you recognize sings of mental weakness, does not mean is the end of world, it simply means you [...]

By |August 22nd, 2022|Goalkeeper mental toughness|0 Comments

Goalkeeper Spin Recovery technique

https://youtu.be/8EA2b6rTx74The goalkeeper spin recovery technique has been rejected by many coaches & youth clubs in the US. Perhaps due to the heavy European influence in the US soccer.This technique is finally getting lots of attention in Europe & the US because of the large amount of Latin American Players who play professionally all over Europe. As [...]

By |August 22nd, 2022|Goalkeeper mental toughness|0 Comments

Parents help their young athletes be mentally strong

Being REALISTIC is the most powerful method to help a young athlete develop mental toughness. However, it takes a long time and involves trials and suffering to properly appreciate what it is like to be mentally tough.  Here's how you can start: BE REALISTIC. The first step is to be HONEST with yourself and especially [...]

By |August 22nd, 2022|Goalkeeper mental toughness|0 Comments

Coach Zuriel Z Lozano

International goalkeeper coach Zuriel Lozano MS sport & health science, certified by the National Academy of Sports Medicine. Certified mental trainer & Speaker. Facebook Envelope Instagram Youtube Linkedin Zuriel "Z" Lozano was born in Panama. He is a former international professional goalkeeper who now coaches international goalkeepers globally. During his youth playing career, he quickly [...]

Mental toughness starts at home

Mentally tough athletes. Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Mental toughness starts at home.What if a child grows up in an environment where they get anything they want. They get toys, cars, nice vacations, money, expensive youth club, best education etc. literally, ANYTHING is affordable to them.At the same time, this child is always protected from hardships and [...]

By |August 22nd, 2022|Goalkeeper mental toughness|0 Comments

Vertical jump for goalkeepers

This blog will give a very quick view about gaining vertical jumps. The science behind the vertical jump is very complex but I'm hoping to give just enough information to help goalkeepers or any athlete reading this blog start thinking seriously about their jumps which is a very common problem with many goalkeepers today.To clarify, [...]

By |August 22nd, 2022|Goalkeeper mental toughness|0 Comments

Athletic body language

Yout body language speaks louder than words. Facebook Twitter LinkedIn FIRST TIME a coach meet a new player, they see player's BODY LANGUAGE.Many young soccer players have lost many opportunities because of their body language alone. They show up to a tryout, showcase, game or interviews with a body language that screams laziness, lack of [...]

By |August 22nd, 2022|Goalkeeper mental toughness|0 Comments