private goalkeeper coach

/Tag:private goalkeeper coach

Slow goalkeepers, Check your genes

It is scientifically proven that the ACTN3 is a GENE influences an athlete's speed, quickness & power.  In other words, human genetics plays a major role in determining an athlete's potential. The ACTN3 (α-actinin-3) is a gene that produces fast-twitch muscle fiber and is responsible for generating force for high-velocity movement that is important for power in sports. This [...]

Coach Zuriel Z Lozano

International goalkeeper coach Zuriel Z Lozano Denver Colorado

Goalkeeper: How to Re-Focus

Most difficult mental skill: How to re-focusRe-focus is the hardest thing to do when it comes to mental skill.  But it is even harder to re-focus when you are a goalkeeper in a game where NOTHING is happening or perhaps, lots is happening but you JUST simply can't get in the game.It is very easy [...]

By |January 2nd, 2017|Goalkeeper Tips|0 Comments

Goalkeeper mental toughness

Twitter Instagram Today there is a number of goalkeeper programs who spend time doing all kinds of goalkeeping drills to improve their technical aspects but almost nobody covers the most important aspect of a goalkeeper at the youth level which is the MENTAL TOUGHNESS.I live in Denver, Colorado. Here there a number of soccer goalie [...]

By |April 8th, 2016|Goalkeeper Tips, Mental Goalkeeping|0 Comments