Goalkeeper mental toughness

/Goalkeeper mental toughness

Help goalkeepers make more saves

Goalkeeper training importan tip Goalkeepers do not train to be PERFECT. They train to stop as many goals as possible. By Zuriel Lozano, international goalkeeper coach, Master of Science Sports & Health sciences There is no secret that many amateur goalkeepers in America train up to 4 times a week or more, but these keepers [...]

Sport parent help

Helping a sport parent The toughest thing in modern society about being a SPORT parent. By Zuriel Lozano international goalkeeper coach MS Sport & health science. Speaker, mental coach. The search for perfection, being popular or number 1, the pressure of being the best, TOP athlete, in the best college, the need for bragging rights, [...]

By |February 23rd, 2021|Competitive mindset, Goalkeeper mental toughness|0 Comments

Lasting motivation

Once you lose motivation, it's hard to get it back. By Zuriel Lozano International goalkeeper coach, MS Sports Science, Mental coach. Lasting motivation It is January 2021 (COVID-19 still around), and I already spoke to over 48 parents from around the US who said that their kids will quit soccer (ages 10-17), 10-year-old quitting soccer [...]

By |January 19th, 2021|Goalkeeper mental toughness|0 Comments

How do you know your child is improving in sports?

How do you know your child is improving in sports? Many parents and amateur coaches get the word IMPROVING & WINNING RECORDS confused. By ZURIEL LOZANO How do you know if your child is improving in sports? Depends on whom you ask and what improvement means to them. For example,  there are a number of [...]

By |November 23rd, 2020|Goalkeeper mental toughness|0 Comments

Social media vs young athlete’s confidence

Social media vs young athlete's confidence? Today, young athletes do not know how to deal with adversity & struggles,  most prefer to quit. By Zuriel Z Lozano There is no secret that social media is currently controlling the mind & attention of millions of people to include young athletes. From video games producers, celebrities, movie [...]

By |October 1st, 2020|Goalkeeper mental toughness|0 Comments

Protect the goalkeeper

Protecting the athletes Youth soccer players are NOT taught to avoid dangerous play. Instead, most young soccer players are pushed to win at all costs. By Zuriel Lozano There are many youth soccer club goalkeepers getting HURT on 1v1 or getting hurt in routine plays than ever before. Partly, due to the lack of proper [...]

By |September 18th, 2020|Goalkeeper mental toughness, Goalkeeper training|0 Comments

Competitive mindset for athletics & business

Share on facebook Share on twitter Share on linkedin Often athletes tend to complain or blame others for their lack of success in sports. However, most of them are lacking the correct competitive mindset. If you are an individual who've been told that you are great your entire life and you want the praises and [...]

Sports Quotes

Sports quotes winning mentality Mental toughness, winning mentality, laser focus, consistency these are words that most athletes are desperately searching everywhere to ensure they can compete at a high level.  However, most of the time you can find a winning mentality through your own personal experiences. Check out some of these quotes and learn what [...]

Goalkeeper: playing up in older age groups

Playing up in older age groups, good or bad idea? Getting ahead doesn't always mean you will get better  By Zuriel Lozano, international goalkeeper coach, M.S Sport & health science. Facebook Twitter Linkedin Snapchat Let's take a look at some advantages and disadvantages to playing up in older groups .  First, every athlete or goalkeeper [...]

By |September 12th, 2018|Goalkeeper mental toughness, Goalkeeper Tips|0 Comments

Goalkeeper training is changing

Changes occur in every world cup that we watch.  The players are faster, stronger, accurate, tactics are more advanced and their skill is out of this world.  The goalkeepers in the last few world cups, DO NOT catch the ball consistently as years prior.  In fact, many of them are now DEFLECTING or BLOCKING balls [...]